Hello Andrew I think I saw you and your son or at least another rather startled Father and his son waiting outside a store in the city of Melbourne. My partner and I were wondering the city and wondered what on earther was going on with the great long lines outside and solid looking security guards "working the crowds". As an older person it is so important to be observant of what the youth of today care about. I trust your credit card was not hit too badly by the experience!!
It's quite possible you saw me, Heidi! The CC remained intact, as we have some pretty good boundaries around 'high cost' items, like sneakers and gaming consoles. Right now, I'm wanting Jasper to learn the concept of the 'sweet spot': how to recognise the point at which you maximise value but from where spending more starts you down a path of diminishing returns.
l really liked the piece on modelling Andrew...powerful!
Also makes me hark back to last century training practices in the sphere of working with people with intellectual disability, where modelling was promoted as an effective approach when assisting clients to learn living and work skills. Marc Gold et al.
(Sadly, I suspect its not a common method employed by practitioners these days!)
Hello Andrew I think I saw you and your son or at least another rather startled Father and his son waiting outside a store in the city of Melbourne. My partner and I were wondering the city and wondered what on earther was going on with the great long lines outside and solid looking security guards "working the crowds". As an older person it is so important to be observant of what the youth of today care about. I trust your credit card was not hit too badly by the experience!!
It's quite possible you saw me, Heidi! The CC remained intact, as we have some pretty good boundaries around 'high cost' items, like sneakers and gaming consoles. Right now, I'm wanting Jasper to learn the concept of the 'sweet spot': how to recognise the point at which you maximise value but from where spending more starts you down a path of diminishing returns.
An even older example of long term thinking (by the founders of New College, Oxford) here
Mike Waller
Brilliant story Mike ….
l really liked the piece on modelling Andrew...powerful!
Also makes me hark back to last century training practices in the sphere of working with people with intellectual disability, where modelling was promoted as an effective approach when assisting clients to learn living and work skills. Marc Gold et al.
(Sadly, I suspect its not a common method employed by practitioners these days!)