Some great observations and points here Andrew. Thanks for sharing

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Another insightful, bite sized, well articulated piece to contemplate as we move through council planning. Thanks

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You made me wonder, is there any role that AI wont be able to assist?

I also liked thinking about when good metrics go bad. As all my boards are in human services and KPIs are used a lot, I am now wondering what unintended consequences are we missing from applying numerics to complex human interactions.

Thanks Andrew for your great work, and I hope your KPIs are up a little due to my effort.

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Love that reframe around AI. Doing an interview today and will mention with attribution.

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Great insights Andrew and just what I need this morning - since buying a toy shop (as an additional business), I haven't had headspace to do much 'thinking'. As always, your articles today provided some simple yet smart insights, some food for thought and a bit of a chuckle (airport carousel story - insight, chuckle and eye-roll!). Of most value is the take on how to use AI. Positioning this new tool in such a sensible and simple way will be key to keeping us all sane and this angle is a beauty. Thanks :)

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